

Norsk forening for extrakorporeal teknologi (NorSECT) ble grunnlagt 15.august 1975, men da under navnet Norske thorax-ingeniørers forening.


Foreningen skiftet navnet den 2.juni 1977 til Norsk thoraxteknisk forening fram til

26.august 1980 da NorSECT ble det værende navnet på foreningen.



The objectives of NorSECT are to promote cooperation, development, research and education within extracorporeal technology. Together with the Swedish and Danish societies NorSECT formed the common Scandinavian Society, ScanSECT, in Oslo 1980.


ScanSECT established guidelines for a formal, acceptable educational program and training of student perfusionists. 2 different theoretical educational programs in Scandinavia were accredited by ScanSECT: the perfusion programs in Gothenburg (SE) and in Aarhus (DK). The perfusionist students received their practical training at the different heartcenters. ScanSECT established criteria for authorisation of perfusionists and since 1990 issued a scandinavian certificate of cardiovascular perfusion.


In the early years it has been a tradition in Norway to hire electronical engineers as perfusionist trainees and after the employment send them to school and give them practical experience at the local hospital.

In the recent years also specialized nurses and bio-engineers have been hired as perfusionist trainees.


In 1996 NorSECT established an authorisation committee in order to achieve a national authorisation of the perfusionists. In july 1999 Norway got a new health personnel act which stated that perfusionists should be among the authorized health-personnel. Since january 2001 perfusionists can apply for a national authorisation certificate which is issued to persons who have passed the perfusion education at an EBCP-accredited school. The certificate gives them the right to name themselves perfusionists. Furthermore this certificate will probably be granted to all the clinical perfusionists. Every new employed norwegian trainee has attended an EBCP-accredited school for the last years.


Currently only one school in Scandinavia is EBCP-accredited: the Scandinavian School of Perfusion affiliated to the Aarhus University in Denmark.

Norway does not have any educational perfusion program.


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